On September 11, 2013, The New York Times published an op-ed by Vladimir Putin arguing against unilateral American military intervention in Syria without the blessing of the United Nations Security Council.
A heroic moment in American oratory two Sundays ago, when our President rose before Congress, wiped away his crusties and spoke for longer than five minutes without utterly destroying another facet of American life. Bush emphasized his legacy as one that is pro-dream and anti-totalitarianism, urging us to consider the warning of “the late terrorist Zarqawi”: “We will sacrifice our blood and bodies to put an end to your dreams, and what is coming is even worse.”
Remember when you were a kid, and, when you were hungry, you ate, either food that you liked or food that your mom forced you to eat, and, when you weren’t hungry, you didn’t eat?
There is nothing original about my name: Nathan Lang Eckstein. The titles are borrowed, purloined from three contexts, two deceased, and bequeathed upon a blank slate demanding some context. My names are people, so let me introduce you.
Now that his season is over, Barry Bonds can go home and rest the aching knee that kept him out of 148 games this season. His San Francisco Giants failed to make the playoffs for the second straight year, and … Read More
The President of Italy and his three friends, a Duke, a Magistrate and a Bishop, sit at the head of a table surrounded by teenage SS officers, a few older women, and about twenty young boys and girls. Some of the youths are dressed in suits and dresses, others in their underwear, while still others sit naked. A nude girl emerges from the kitchen with a large tray of steaming shit…
There is a neighborhood on the outskirts of a city with a lousy bar and grimy brick buildings and orange lamps in the alleys. There are towns where in the deep hours of night cars prowl the streets full of dumb menace. Vague criminals and edgy losers grope at women dressed in cheap finery and the sex is drunken and ugly and brief…