[Eds. note: Recently, Nassau Weekly Managing Editor Rob Buerki noticed that recycling bins at Frist were being dumped in with the regular trash when the bins were emptied at night. Concerned, on Tuesday, April 27th, Buerki sent an email to General Manager of University Services Paul Breitman, who until last August had served as Director of Frist Campus Center. Printed below is Buerki’s email and the responses of both Breitman and current campus center director Tom Myers, to whom Breitman had forwarded the email.]


Mr. Breitman:

As someone who studies late nights at Frist, around the time when Building Services goes to clean room to room, I have noticed, on several occasions, that the janitors simply dump the contents of all the various receptacles (for trash, recycled paper, and recycled cans) into their large trash cans together.  And, as someone who is always conscientious to separate and recycle his trash, I am somewhat disturbed that this is occurring in Frist (and occurring frequently enough that I am writing an email about it).  Such oversight and lack of quality control makes the whole notion of trash separation impossible, and is not in sync with the University policy on recycling.

Enough waste in generated in Frist as it is, with so many giant, expensive color posters being produced and hung every day (why?), and a food service downstairs that uses a great many paper and plastic products.  I hope that simple recycling will at least begin to happen here, to help lessen the horrible burden our society places on the environment.


R. Buerki, ’06


Dear Rob:

Thank you for your email and expressing your concerns about recycling at the Frist Campus Center.  I am forwarding your email to Tom Myers, the Director of the Frist Campus Center, who will consult with staff regarding your issues raised, and get back to you with a coordinated response at his earliest convenience.


Paul Breitman


I spoke with Mark Bahadurian today from Building Services who is ultimately responsible for the cleaning and daily upkeep of the Frist Campus Center. Mr. Bahadurian should be contacting you directly to address you and get some additional information from you. My understanding from Mr. Bahadurian is that the custodial staff will push one barrel with them on shift, but are to have 2 bags inside each barrel, one for trash and one for paper recyclables. Mr. Bahadurian is concerned that all staff on campus adhere to University recycling guidelines and will be in touch to get more specific information from you, so he can work to identify and follow up with the specific employee in question.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


Tom Myers