The election is done, meaning that educated people all across our nation are saying “Thank god that’s over.” The repetitiveness of the news coverage, the debates so redundant that people watch them just to understand twitter’s trending topics, the candidates’ painfully transparent attempts to please people. The spirit of it all is enough to make the socially adept cringe. How can you elect as president someone you wouldn’t invite to your birthday party?

It’s easy to see all this and get the feeling that you can see through politics. There are those of us who would wish for a more straighttalking candidate, one whose every move isn’t so obviously calculated to rake in voters.

And those that dream of voting for third party canddates with coherent platforms.

And to you, I say grow up.

Stop wanting a presidential candidate who is as cool as one of your buddies. He can’t seem as thoughtful and honest and straightforward to you, because he’s too busy being popular with the majority of Americans. In what United States would a completely cohesive and straight-talking candidate get elected? Certainly not these United States. That’s why everyone who believed in Gary Johnson got Barack Obama. Why would you want to like someone that most Americans have to like? Most Americans like Twilight. Most Americans like Two and a Half Men. Most Americans are in more than one “I want to punch slow walking people in the back of the head” Facebook group. Most Americans still vote on American Idol. Have you ever heard of Phillip Phillips? He won American Idol last year. Sanjaya was six years ago. That’s the kind of thing running for president is. Can you imagine how little the majority of the country would like you? They wouldn’t like me at all. (I don’t even think most of the people I know like me and I’ve met them.)

Obviously this note is not directed towards the whole student body. Or even, I suspect, at its majority. I am impressed by all those that care about elections, that think hard about their vote, that see through the politicking and reach for what changes they wish. But to those other of us who have hung aloof, always feeling too good for its bullshit, I say let’s get over ourselves and make an effort.