Sex Issue (2023): Full Design

Read the full design of our newest issue, the Sex Issue.

Director’s Cut: Full Design

This week, the Nass talks about movies, bodies, and movies about dog bodies.

Brush With Death: Full Design

This week, the Nass recycles beer cans, interrogates TikTok feminism, and decides what good art is.

Dead Beats: Full Design

This week, the Nass learns from Patti Smith, mulls over pop stardom, and weighs the costs of “clean” energy.

Man Hunt: Full Design

Read the full design version of our latest issue here!

Dogs Out: Full Design

This week, the Nass invents a new major, sings the blues, and asks what the end of affirmative action means for Princeton students of color.

Root Canal: Full Design

This week, the Nass looks deep into the construction of cavities, finding a world where the dance is improvisational and the restrooms are mindful.

For Your Consideration: Full Design

This week, the Nass spends its leave of absence filming movies in Greece, attending tone-deaf plays, and growing an extra hand.