Recently, The Candie’s Foundation, which works to educate America about the dangers of teen pregnancy, released a public service announcement featuring Bristol Palin and Mike “The Situation.” In this two-minute video, the pop icons discuss the necessity for safe sex, … Read More
“Have you had a spiritual experience? Out-of-body or near death experience? A flash of blue light or an inner sound? A sense you’ve lived before?” If you browsed through The Daily Princetonian last week, you may have noticed this advertisement … Read More
Thirty-seven years ago a group of stoners at a California high school had a dream that they could smoke weed every day after school at a regular time. With the precision and commitment rare to their kind, they carved out a slice of late afternoon (and probably beyond), dedicating it to the illegal indulgence they share with an estimated 100 million Americans. If Wikipedia is to be believed (and really, for the scholarly subject of stoner cultural history, why shouldn’t it be?), this 1971 San Rafael High School tradition was the bong that launched a thousand hits. 4:20 P.M. daily outside the cafeteria evolved into the ‘High Holiday’ of 4/20.
This past Friday Whitman Theater filled with the South Asians, the gays and lesbians, the prefrosh, and the otherwise unaffiliated for the stand-up performance of Vidur Kapur.