Schisto migrant camp, about thirty minutes from central Athens by car, is home to several hundred migrants, most of whom come from Afghanistan. Although Schisto and other migrant camps in Greece are technically temporary accommodation centers, many migrants have been in Greece for months or years.

In Schisto, migrants live in prefabricated housing units. Trailers are an upgrade from the tents that initially sheltered migrants throughout Greece, providing necessary protection from the elements and some privacy for families.

These photos of Schisto from this past June depict two prefabricated housing units. The first set is an empty trailer just before new residents moved in. The second set is the trailer of Mohammed (pictured in the doorway) and his family.

Some people in Schisto are hesitant to settle in, since getting comfortable can make a future outside the camp seem far away. Others, like Mohammed’s family, make their trailer a home by investing care into a garden (a rare spot of greenery in an otherwise arid camp) and creating spaces within their small rooms for praying and sharing meals.

