
A short film by Jeremy Comte

This captivating 16-minute short film depicts a heart-wrenching coming-of-age story after a harmless power game takes a stark turn. Jeremy Comte manages to seamlessly juxtapose the carelessness of youth and the reality of death in his film. A cinematic masterpiece, Fauve brings the viewer through many episodes of life in a short span of time, inspired by Comte’s recurring nightmares throughout his childhood in Quebec. Through hauntingly beautiful scenery, and the raw, unfiltered acting of these two young boys, this film triggers strong, emotional reactions. Comte’s exploration of the relationship between humans and nature in this short has earned him the Special Jury Prize at Sundance 2018, and even qualified for an Academy Award.

Link: https://www.shortoftheweek.com/2018/10/03/fauve/