AAS 462 / ATL 426 / LIN 432
Performing Blackness: University Cottage Club and Other Conundrums

AAS 302 / COS 353
Intermediate E-bonics

ANT 180
Unilineal Interpersonal and Linguistic Communal Tendencies in A Bug’s Life

ANT 226 / SOC 226
Anthropology or Sociology?

ANT 306 / EEB 306
Bifurcated Penises and the Future of Human Evolution

ANT 331 / ECO 331
From Handjobs to BJs: Tracking Global Exchange Rates in Sexual Barter

ANT 342 / MED 356
Ye Olde Weirdo: Ethnography of Renaissance Faires

ANT 365 / SOC 314 / URB 321
Yuppiness: A User’s Guide

ANT 508
Actors, Interlocutors, and the Other: Words You’ll Need in Grad School

ARA 307 / MOD 308 / NES 314
Serpentine Media: Why Parseltongue Sounds like Arabic

ARC 214
Gingerbread House Studio

ARC 269 / EEB 269
Owl City: Could It Happen?

ARC 408 / NES 408
Dubai’s Crazy Bullshit

ARC 475 / MAT 475
Topology of the Toilet Seat

ART 326 / ATL 443 / CLA 336 / ECS 344 / HLS 321 / REL 323 / THR 367
Spring Break in Greece

AST 245

AST 362 / CHM 354 / GEO 376
Arsenic: The Next Frontier

ATL 460
12 Acoustic Evenings with Trey Anastasio

ATL 465
Tha Dirrrty South: How to Rap like Ludacris, T.I., and R. E. M.

CEE 310 / LIN 335
Building the Tower of Babel

CEE 235
The Mechanics of Efficient Arson

CEE 262 / HIS 262
“Halt, Who Goes There?”: Bridges and Their Trolls

CEE 416 / MSE 416
Planning Obsolescence

CHE 369
Legal Love Potions (No Rohypnol)

CHI 230 / TRA 230
Translating “Chinese” Tattoos on Western Bodies

CHI 304 / COM 308
“In Bed”: The Fortune Cookie as Erotic Literature

CHM 276

CHM 300 / ECO 300
Breaking Bad

CHM 324 / ELE 234
When Sarah Met John: Like a “Hairdryer in a Bathtub”

CHV 310 / PHI 310
Impractical Ethics: From Veganism to the Condom

CLA 240
Gladiator Sandal Studies

CLA 362 / PHY 325 / PSY 311
Oedipal Time Travel: Interdisciplinary Analyses of “Back to the Future”

CLA 369 / CLG 369
Pederasty: A Practical Approach

COM 301 / ENG 301
“That’s So Foucauldian”: Intro the Adjectival Forms of Authors’ Names

COM 112

COM 387 / MUS 312 / NES 346
Hot Air: Literatures of the Bagpipe in Postcolonial Central Asia

COS 120
Tricking Out Your Smartphone

COS 201
iTunes Visualizers

COS 325 / JRN 325
Tweet like Sarah Palin

COS 352 / REL 215
The Cult of Zuckerberg

CWR 356
How to Write an Epic Lipogram in 12 Weeks

CWR 405
Editing the Volumes of Your Collected Juvenilia

CWR 501 / FIN 546
Selling Out

CWR 726
Flowetry with Cornel West (by oral application only)

DAN 255 / TUR 255
Do the Twist!: Whirling Dervishes in Theory and Practice

DAN 305
The Art of Swaying Noncommittally

DAN 388 / PSY 388
Expressing the Terrifying Chaos in Your Brain through Movement

DAN 444
Boone, Marino, Webster: Movement in the Frontier, the Pocket, and the Halls of Congress

EAS 324 / SAS 320
Bang Cock in Bangkok: Why You Should Do PIA

EAS 342 / WWS 354
Preparing for the Day When China Enslaves Us

EAS 389 / PSY 343 / WWS 312
“So Ronery”: Understanding the Korean Conflict Through Psychoanaylsis

ECO 200 / REL 200
Praying for Profit

ECO 352 / MUS 354
Currency and Music from 50 Cent to Ke$ha

EEB 300
Nightmarish Things Done by Animals

EEB 318
Why Your Dog Is Smarter Than Other Dogs

EEB 365 / PHI 342
Do Monkeys Have Souls?

EEB 420
Sticky Stuff: Evolution and the Development of Cannabis

EEB 367 / POL 367 / WOM 367
Gay Animals

ENG 220
Speaking in English the Best You Could Speak in It

ENG 225
Ancient English

ENG 240
Accents to Get You Laid

ENG 340 / MUS 340
Let’s Take Jay-Z Seriously

ENV 354 / LIN 354
Intro to Braille for the Sighted: Reading without Light Bulbs

ENG 371 / MAT 435
Unpacking Packing Problems

ENG 599 / PHI 599
I’m Afraid of Dying

ENG 635

ENV 370 / WOM 370
American Fixation: Avatar Seen through Deep Ecology and Queer Theory

ENV 452
Greening Envy: Studies in Sustainable Desire

FRE 210
The Adventures of Tintin Except That One

FRE 300 / GER 300 / ITA 300 / SPA 300
Smoking Cigarettes

FRE 344
Bon Mot: Learning Words to Pepper in Conversation

FRS 130 / THR 109
Acting like You Know What’s Going on Now

FRS 165
Fall Rush

FRS 181
Presidential Bloopers: From Bay of Pigs to Obama’s Stitches

FRS 189 / EEB 220
How to Travel in a Pack

GEO 101
Distinguishing Rocks from Scat

GER 300 / CWR 150
Your Kampf

GER 307
Topics in German Culture and Society: Why Cool Kids Go To Berlin

GER 311
Google Me, Bitch!: The Phenomological Personal Data Security Breaches of American Conglomerates

HEB 101 / JDS 101
It’s Never Too Late to Get Bar/Bat Mitzvahed

HIS 224 / MUS 253 / PSY 221
Why It’s So Depressing to Watch Bob Dylan Get Really Old

HOS 100
The History of Science (Not Open to Women)

ITA 101
Spanish with a Mario Brothers Accent

JPN 350 / LIN 350
Advanced Emoticons

JRN 330

JRN 340
The Obituary from Orson Welles to Julian Assange

JRN 10:00
It’s Ten O’Clock Do You Know Where Your Children Are

LIN 110 / MAT 110
How Many Languages Are There?

MAE 115 / MED 115
How to Make a Spaceship out of Armor

MAT 201
Sex and Violence: A Bait and Switch Approach to Multivariable Calculus

MAT 330 / SLA 330
So Many Fucking Characters: A Set Theory Approach to the Russian Novel

MED 307
How Tall Was Everybody?

MOL 300
Nightmarish Things Done to Animals

MOL 340 / REL 340
Living on a Prayer: The Science of Faith Healing

MUS 210
Intro to Amateur Digital Audio Production

MUS 227 / REL 221
Touching the Holy through Phil Collins

MUS 312
Wamp Wamp

MUS 323
So I Slept with R Kelly, Now What?: Immediate Steps and Long-term Effects

MUS 330
Ebony and Ivory: White Key / Black Key Relations from the Harpsichord to the Modern Grand

MUS 344
The Low-Pass Filter from So Far Gone to Thank Me Later

ORF 101
Introduction to Alchemy

ORF 411
NJTransit’s Follies: Rants and Solutions

PHI 550
Obscurantism in Modern Thought

PLS 314 / SLA 365
The Polack Joke as Empowerment

POL 406 / SEW 406
Perfecting Your Cackle: A User’s Guide

PSY 112
Understanding How Other People’s Minds, Like, Work

PSY 244
Don’t Take This Class: Introduction to Reverse Psychology

PSY 320
Your Father

PSY 354 / REL 327
Sleep Deprivation and Spiritual Awakening

REL 330
Finding Christ: From Icons to Toast

REL 566
He Already Walks Among Us

SOC 345 / URB 445
New York Knicks Fandom as Communal Masochism

SOC 431
Learning Karate from an Onion: Race and Anthropomorphism in PaRappa the Rapper

SPA 249
The Literature of Barcelona’s Peripheral Resort Towns

SPA 324
Complejo de Inferioridad: Proof That Spanish Is Sophisticated, Too

THR 369 / WOM 369
Sex as Performance and Performance as Sex

TTP 376 / WWS 312
Teaching for America When America’s a Dumbass

TRA 260
You Like to Make Happy? Take This Class Area Good!

VIS 105-7
Accelerated Intermediate Lanyards

VIS 324
Painting with Bob Ross’ Body Fluids

WRI 101
So You Think You’re a Good Writer?

WOM 200
What Gender Is It?

WOM 312
Understanding Shims and He-Shes

WWS 333

WWS 410
Advanced Topics in Banking

WWS 430
Accredited Tower Club Get-Together