There’s no denying it: snow has found its way to Princeton. Snow is on the ground both on north and south campus, and it’s been spotted on east campus. When questioned about the snow’s whereabouts, Small World employee Mary Climber answered, “I’m pretty sure it’s snowed everywhere in the town of Princeton.”

Meteorologists have also confirmed the snowfall, estimating the accumulation at about 10 to 18 inches. “After following the regular tests, we have determined the accumulation at about 10 to 18 inches,” said Dan Archer, a local meteorologist. “I don’t get what the big deal is,” he added, smugly, like it was his job or something. When asked if meteorologists do, indeed, use rulers to measure snowfall, Archer answered, “Yes, we do.” When asked if he thought this was still a good idea, given the advances of modern technology, he answered, but too quietly for me to hear.

The snow itself is uniformly white, except in places where it has become dirty—most notably, parking lots, street corners, and sidewalks. In these places the snow has become dirty, taking on a muddy color and a slushy texture. When asked about the significance of these snowy transformations, Amy Bell ’13 answered, “I have to get to class.” Professor Alexander Nehemas corroborated Bell’s analysis, stating, “I’m five minutes late to lecture.”

Although it probably snowed in towns other than Princeton, no conjectures have been confirmed as of this writing. When our French correspondants in Paris were contacted, for example, they claimed that it had not snowed there. According to the _New York Times_, however, it snowed in New York, complicating the picture further.

Luckily, for those still in the dark, lots of great reporting on snowfall has been done here on Princeton campus. Check out the University Press Club’s recent coverage of the snowfall at

Princeton’s Winter Wonderland

or the Daily Princetonian’s thorough photo coverage of the December blizzard at