Your mouth stands agape; your shriek washes over me.
Like Charybdis, you roar, sucking my soul fateward.
Paralyzed, I lie, nary a fig tree nor palm:
For not even event knows escape at your gate.

As I cower ’neath your maw, eerie eyes fang ’fore me.
You pierce my bare arm, your venom pounds through.
My pulse quickens—fair asset, foul traitor, despair!
Ration buoys in-out, as darkness o’ertakes me.

I am devoured unchewed, deaf, but quick yet—
Oh God, what Nineveh was I meant for this day?
Warped, I see not, but glass splashes yester;
Time slows. Gasping, from what nous hang I now?

You begin your sick ritual, the drum beats must quicken.
Your pincers click and four taps-–your bizarre mating call!
The crazed hum crescendoes, until like gears grinding,
You break me down, a morcel, a breadcrumb, your saul.

I am bathed in your waters, a torus so pure,
But my matter cares not: false communion, indeed!
Enraged your whirl thickens, your Word echoes in me;
You peer deep. You know much. You reject me, yet again.