In a culture saturated with information, it is sometimes hard to separate fact from fiction. Join me as we take a closer look at some of the biggest myths that have gone unexamined for years.

*Myth: “The Departed” is based on a true story. True or False?*

Yes, some parts of “The Departed” are, in fact, taken from real life events. Leonardo DiCaprio was indeed an undercover cawp who pretended to be working for Jack Nicholson, when really he was reporting back to Martin Sheen the whole time. This went on for a good deal of his life, until the Titanic sank and they made a movie about it, which he starred in. At that point, he found himself balling in cash and Jack Nicholson had already been shot, so there was no need to continue ratting on him.

The question of whether he had an affair with his therapist when she was already engaged to Matt Damon is still largely up for debate. One person claims to have seen DiCaprio entering a shady motel room with her a few years back, but that person is blind and deaf and didn’t ever actually claim to have seen such a thing, so it’s impossible to say whether we ought to believe that part of the story or not. Either way, DiCaprio was a snitch for sure, so just keep that in mind the next time you want to tell him about that secret, wasted hookup that went down between you and that guy from Cap last weekend. Even though DiCaprio claims to have changed his ways, old habits die hard and Martin Sheen loves—and often demands—a good piece of Cap gossip every once in a while.

*Myth: When you’re throwing up blood from drinking too much blood, you should stop drinking blood. True or False?*

A lot of people have been drinking blood recently—on television, in movies, and even in a few cannibal cases. But how much blood drinking is too much blood drinking? If you are drinking so much blood that you’re throwing up blood, should you stop drinking it? The answer may shock you.

Sometimes, throwing up things—including blood—is a sign that your body is actually in love with whatever it is that you’re drinking so it’s playing hard to get. In these cases, you should p on drinking that blood—imagine if Romeo had given up on Juliet when he was first ordered to stay away!

However, in reality, your body plays hard to get with things you are eating very rarely. If you are drinking so much blood that you start throwing it up, it is probably a sign from your body that it thinks you are bleeding internally. If you think this is the case, stop drinking the blood immediately and get to the nearest hospital. Also, while you’re here, go on ahead and get yourself tested to see whether you’re actually a vampire. If you are, come hang out with me and I will exploit you and make a fortune for myself.

*Myth: Hangovers aren’t real. True or False?*

A lot of people have been claiming, as of late that hangovers are not actually real. They say that when people wake up in the morning with hangovers, really they are just getting their periods-minus-the-blood for a few hours. Is this true? Are hangovers really just mini-periods without the menstruation?

No, it turns out, periods and hangovers are separate things. There is no actual science out there to prove this, but there are people who can testify to the sensation of having their periods as compared to having hangovers, and usually these experiences are not similar to each other. Scientists across the world are frantically working all hours of the day to find an explanation for these seemingly disparate phenomena. They’re hoping that with new advances in technology, they’ll finally be able to figure out what the hell is going on with women when they menstruate. Once they figure this out, they’ll be able to use even more science to figure out what the hell a hangover is. Only time will tell—we’ll keep you posted on this one.

*Myth: Rosh Hashana is spelled wrong in this sentence. True or False?*

Some people read “Rosh Hashana” in that sentence right above as just that: Rosh Hashana. But is this actually the way you spell it? Or was it spelled wrong in that sentence?

It turns out that the spelling above is incorrect. There is actually supposed to be an “h” at the end of “Hashana.” The “h” was left off of the word “Hashana” in that sentence even though it was supposed to be there, so the spelling of “Hashanah” was wrong. The way it was spelled in the sentence just before this one was the right way to spell it.

Got a myth you want busted? Cool!