Dear readers,
Welcome to the start of a new school year. Virtual seminars, precepts, and club meetings are not what we expected, but we’ll continue to move forward with what you can always expect from the Nassau Weekly: nuanced reflection, beautiful artwork, strong reporting, humor, and more. Since 1979, the Nass has been at the center of campus life, capturing the zeitgeist of each year and offering fresh perspectives. When we left campus in the spring and in the months following our departure, we were reminded of what makes the Nass so special: its community.

When our founders began this publication, they did so with a mission that we continue to pursue: the Nass offers Princeton’s writers, artists, and creators a space for their work, and it offers readers a place to engage deeply with it. Built on a shared love for art and writing, this community is sustained by friendship, curiosity, and dedication. This community, especially now, is one that we encourage you to contribute to and lean on through this difficult time.

Nothing feels normal right now. With the start of this new school year, we’re returning to an altered form of “business as usual” in what continues to feel like an alternate (and often awful) reality. We’re looking forward to a post-pandemic world where we’re reunited with our campus communities and working on the crossword over Sunday brunch. Still, through a fully digital publishing model, the Nass will continue to adapt to this moment and the opportunities it offers us to create new paths and traditions.

In the meantime, take care of yourselves: talk openly with your friends and family, engage with art that makes you happy, and rest when you need it. We’ll be here online – and on campus as soon as possible.

With love,

Faith Emba ’21, Editor-in-Chief
Tess Solomon ’21, Editor-in-Chief

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