Dear Readers and Non-Readers Alike,

Hello! Welcome to the _Nassau Weekly_—almost as readable as _the Starr Report_, if _Starr Report_ jokes are still “in” (and if they’re “not,” then we are much more readable than _the Starr Report_ and we are also super hip—Monica Who?). We’re excited about this issue; we had you—not just the average reader, but you in particular—in mind when we put this one together, so we hope you enjoy it.

We’ve got some pretty magnificent articles lying within these pages, all written by human students here at Princeton. If you like _Top Chef_, Tom Colicchio from _Top Chef_, or students from Columbia who reviewed Tom Colicchio’s restaurant but then got slammed for it, then you should check out Thúy-Lan Võ Lite’s article, where she interviews at least one of those three things. Dan Abromowitz brings the trailer reviews back. This is a good thing, because in the meantime we have just been watching old episodes of _Friends_, and it turns out that only ten years later the humor is already outdated (what is “New York” and why do they all live there). We’ve got poetry, drawings, text, and advertisements all for your reading enjoyment. Enjoy!

Our relationship with WPRB is growing and flourishing by the day. So far, WPRB has been very supportive, and we are trying to support them back by making each issue as delicious and interesting as possible. Our days of begging on the street for cash and children is long gone as we look towards the future, typewriters in one hand and laptops in the other.

As we continue to grow with WPRB by our side, we invite you to join us. We are always looking for new writers, tall or short, phat or phattier, to be our friends and write for our pages. So please: stop by a meeting sometime soon, in the Terrace Library (second floor of Terrace) on Thursdays, at 5:30pm. We will give you good jokes and big smiles for very small amounts of money, and we will also give you free lovin’ for even less.


The Editors